
Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Video Games Can Teach the Movies

A few weeks ago on Entertainment Weekly's website, I saw this article by Darren Franich. In it, he comes up with three lessons that Hollywood could learn from the video game industry. Rather than repost it all, I leave it to you to click on the link and read it for yourself. Don't worry. I'll wait.

So what do you think? I've often thought that there's quite a bit that video games can teach your average writers about craft. I've even thought of posting blog entries on my ruminations or even writing an article or two for Writer's Digest. FPSes can teach us about immersion in a story. RPGs teach us about both character development and heightening the challenges of the story. I've got half a lecture written in the back of my brain about how PopCap's so-called "casual games" can teach us about conflict in a story. And there's a whole lesson about how much backstory to load into a book that can be learned from the Half Life franchise.

Just sharing some Saturday morning thoughts. Have a great weekend!

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